Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for Faster Recovery and Gains

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy in Columbia, SC

Get Your Gainzz On

Blood Flow Restriction therapy or BFR has been used by the U.S. military and professional sports teams for some time. In recent years, it has increasingly been used as an alternative method of recovery and strength-building for people unable to train or engage in traditional resistance exercises. BFR therapy is often used with other physical therapy treatments. It has proven results in people seeking to improve strength and recovery and those healing from surgery or injury.


Part of your individualized PT plan

Who Can Benefit from BFR?

Blood Flow Restriction therapy can be beneficial for a variety of patients. Studies of BFR have shown its benefits in not only young active people and athletes of all levels but also in older recovering patients. The benefits of this rehabilitation modality extend to:

  • Athletes looking to increase strength gains

  • Athletes in post-surgery recovery 

  • Athletes that have been injured and can’t safely load a damaged muscle group

  • People unable to lift heavy weights that are looking to increase strength

  • Older patients in recovery or seeking to gain strength with minimal joint stress

  • Injured people wanting to avoid muscle loss during healing

  • People suffering from arthritis that need to maintain muscle mass and strength

  • People that need atrophy prevention


Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for muscle Gains

How Does BFR Work?

The goal of BFR therapy is to increase strength while decreasing loads and stress placed on muscles, tendons, and joints. The therapy uses pneumatic cuffs or blood flow restriction cuffs that affect the blood flow going into your muscles as you move.

The restriction cuffs decrease blood flow to the muscles doing the work. The body’s physiologic adaptive response  encourages hypertrophy, an  increase in  muscle size and strength. 

For people recovering from surgery or injury, BFR is a great option, as it allows muscles to strengthen or grow without stressing damaged tissues.

Use BFR as part of your training or recovery.

train smarter. heal faster. enhance your performance.

We specialize in various tools and evidence-based protocols for better movement. Let us help you find the right path to enhanced mobility and bigger gains. We’re here for you!

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